I am Sam Response

A4 response – I am Sam

There are many different dynamic characters in all films. A dynamic character is a character who is in the film quite a bit and they learn/grow throughout the movie, because of their experience’s. The movie that we watched was I am Sam. There is a character, Rita, who is a lawyer and is a dynamic character, because, at first, when Sam, the father who has a disability, came to her for a lawyer, she was saying no, but then Sam was still bugging her about a friend that he thought she had. Then, she started to say that she was going to do it for free, to make herself look better to her colleagues. Throughout the issue, she began to enjoy helping Sam and she had learned Sam became a friend of hers and she didn’t just do this case to impress her colleagues but it was because Sam was a friend to her and she cared about him.

There were many dynamic characters in the movie I am Sam. Another dynamic character was Lucy. Lucy was another dynamic character, because, over the years, she learned that her dad was different than other dads and she had to learn to deal with that. Lucy grew up to be her own character throughout the story, also.

Most movies have a start to finish story line. But this movie I am Sam is different. It’s different because this story is told into three different parts. About one third of the movie was about how Sam had Lucy. Then the next part was about Sam didn’t have Lucy, how child services took Lucy away from Sam because they believed Sam wasn’t eligible to take care of Sam. Then the third part of the movie was about how Sam shared Lucy. He shared Lucy with the couple that took in Lucy when she had to live with them while Sam was in court fighting for her.

In movies, often there are characters that have similar lives to each other. For some people they can catch on really quick, but for others sometimes they don’t even think about how some characters have similar lives. In the movie I am Sam, Rita, the lawyer and Sam had similar lives. They have similar lives because both of their children. Both of their children are gone, so both Rita and Sam are trying to keep their families together and it doesn’t seem to work, but at the end it does because Rita’s son and her do things together and Sam shares Lucy.

Every movie has all sorts of different camera angles. Camera angles change throughout the story. Usually camera angles effect the moods of the scene, too. The movie, I am Sam, had all sorts of angles. When there were more serious times in the movie, there would be closer up shots of the people talking, and, when it was happier times, the camera seemed to be farther away from the people. When the camera was close up for more of a serious scene, it did make the scenes feel way more serious and sad, but when it was during a happy scene and the camera was farther away, it made the scene feel happier to me, because I could see everyone and how happier much they were.

Movies have music in them for the mood of the scenes. There are different times in the movie where there are different types of music. At sad times its most likely to have slow and sad music,

but if it is in an exciting seen they will usually have fast and upbeat music. In this movie an example of music was at a happy time. When Sam and Lucy were happy and at a park. This was through the part where Lucy was growing up fast, but it was a happy time because they didn’t have to worry about anything.

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